No health coach initially looks at this.

But what the most important aspect is, if you can’t achieve or maintain a vital lifestyle.

I only work with very smart successful people who already know a lot.

But that’s often the problem now: they think they can approach their lifestyle cognitively, but that won’t work for a sustainable transition.

What is essential is transforming from a „beginner’s mindset“ to learn more about yourself, your needs, and obstacles.

And replace fake knowledge with scientific knowledge.

Learning, like everything else, is a skill.

Having a „beginner’s mindset“ means it doesn’t matter what you already know, or how much experience you have, you „show up“ with an open mind, as if pretending you know nothing.

In fact, I hope that no matter how much you learn, you’ll always retain an aspect of „beginner’s mind“.

Here are 5 reasons why this open, curious mindset can help you:

😎 Learn more effectively and faster;
😎 Better connect with yourself and your relationships;
😎 See opportunities, solutions, and possibilities faster;
😎 Feel calm, comfortable, and aware, even in difficult or uncertain situations (instead of anxious, ashamed, or frustrated);
😎 Accurately assess what is unfolding for you here and now.

Since my clients learn this, they set more realistic goals and actions.

They learn from themselves, seeing their ‚mistakes‘ as an opportunity to grow.

In the long term, they coach themselves (and through the process).

And that’s what you want as a coach, a complete transformation and behavior change so they stop calling you.

Everything else, in my opinion, is nonsense.

Are you good at the beginner’s mindset?

Let me know here if you need a tip.

Die Qualität deiner Vitalität bestimmt, wie du aussiehst, dich fühlst und wie leistungsfähig du bist.


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