Are you living stress free, enjoying relaxation and freedom? 


Sabine’s approach is to shift from a system based on performance, constant doing and stress, to a principle based on health, wholeness, mindfulness, rest and being

When you are doing something, there is a danger that you get lost in the activity and you don’t pursue it to your best possible potential. This is because we make and do things throughout the day, often on autopilot, while already planning and going over the next activity in the future. This can trigger signals such as shifting and uncertain behavior, restlessness, stress, anxiety, and other negative sensations, e.g. due to old automatic compensation patterns. 

Sabine helps you to live in your wholeness, as a unity of body, soul and spirit, ideals, values, experience of meaning, relationships to the social, natural and artificial environment as well as your own way of living. In ease, joy, relaxation and freedom. 

Sabine guides people to feel fulfilled in all areas – physical, mental, emotional and social. She doesn’t want her clients to look good and function in the world, but feel like they haven’t quite arrived from the inside out and are “relaxed” with themselves. People learn with her to self-actualize, practice self-care, and maximize their greatest potential without detours or waste of time. 

Practicing gratitude can be a great start to become more present. 

Sabine 💜 

Jouw gezondheid bepaalt je uiterlijk, hoe je je voelt en presteert, en uiteindelijk hoe jij jouw leven leidt.

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