Sabine’s vision as a revolution of holistic well-being   

Sabine Heijman - Your Health Coach

Far too often, health is viewed too superficially; And that’s exactly what Sabine wants to change. With her vision of a deeper understanding of health (“Deep Health”), she looks at health holistically and combines physiological approaches with advanced mental practices that bring people into a relaxed and lasting sense of happiness. 

There is no better time than now to help others keep themselves physically and mentally healthy. Sabine lives her own concept and she knows: “Everyone needs a perspective based on their own vision and values. That’s why people should know and understand that they need a doable plan, rethink, be more mindful of themselves and their health, and take responsibility for their own happiness starting now.”   

Sabine helps you and accompanies you to make a start or to increase from the good state to the maximum and to feel empowered by your progress (transformation) from the very first moment in coaching. She supports you to live in the now and make conscious and meaningful changes in every area of your life – permanently and reliably. In doing so, she builds on a close symbiosis between mindfulness, conscious nutrition, movement & stretching, sleep & stress management, and readiness for change and pro-activity.    

Her programs, retreats and workshops have a structured, systematic, scientifically sound as well as holistic (bio-psycho-social) approach.   

Something to ponder about?

Sabine 💜 

Jouw gezondheid bepaalt je uiterlijk, hoe je je voelt en presteert, en uiteindelijk hoe jij jouw leven leidt.

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