Lentil Soup with Turmeric and Ginger

Winter Soup: Lentil soup with turmeric and ginger is a powerhouse!

Very happy with the result of one week nutrition change – here are the results:

  • customers are feeling at a scale of 1-5 -> a 4 that’s good!
  • they told me the food per meal was some times too much 🙂 You can eat a lot of the healthy food – that’s true
  • they’ve lost in average 1,5 kilo body weight
  • they’ve asked for some warm recipes – so here comes an one-pot-recipe for all of you!

It doesn’t get more nutritious than this. This warming and hearty dish is full of the three ingredients that have an incredible amount of goodness:

  • Lentils: Red lentils are very healthy because they contain a lot of fiber and a lot of protein. The small legumes contain about 26 grams of protein per 100 grams.
  • Turmeric: Especially the contained polyphenol curcumin, helps with digestive problems and soothes the stomach. Turmeric promotes fat digestion in the stomach and intestines and thus prevents bloating and flatulence after high-fat meals.
  • Ginger: The rhizome has an antibacterial effect and inhibits the multiplication of viruses. It stimulates digestion and is good for the intestinal flora. In addition, ginger can promote blood circulation and stimulates the circulation.
Lentil Soup
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