Do you know these amazing facts about breathing?


You can go weeks without food and days without water, but only a few minutes without breathing. Breathing has such an immediate effect on our mind and body that even the act of inhaling and exhaling affects our nervous system differently. It is common to train diet, exercise and even hydration, but almost no one trains their breath. This is a huge missed opportunity for health seekers. 

With breathing exercises, you automatically put yourself in a meditative state. Think of breathing as an active form of meditation with the same benefits. So the more I teach breathing as a coach, the happier my clients are with the results. 

In the Your Health Coach portal / YHC-APP, we create a customised exercise plan for you. The exercises are demonstrated to you online and where you do them is entirely up to you. The YHC app also offers you a wide range of (3D and video) workouts that you can perform flexibly and anywhere, while you get an overview of your progress. 

The YHC app accompanies you 24/7! Get to know it here

Sabine 💜 

Jouw gezondheid bepaalt je uiterlijk, hoe je je voelt en presteert, en uiteindelijk hoe jij jouw leven leidt.

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