My 31 personal habits to inspire, inform & support your lifestyle change

Cooking isn’t just good for your physical health the planet — it’s good for your morale.

Making a meal gets us off our screens, on our feet, and gets our creative juices flowing.

🙋🏻‍♀️ For me, even when I make the same sort of foods each (week) day, cooking can be a time for me for quiet reflection — a simple daily ritual that is grounding for me. And again therefore some Me-Time. You can see how happy I am just cooking an easy dish!

When I cooking for others is the ultimate act of love and nurturing; it makes everyone involved feel good. Preparing and eating home-cooked meals can bring families together. Getting your kids involved in cooking teaches them good lessons about healthy eating and offers them the practical skills they need to grow up and live well.

đź’ˇ Off we go in the Kitchen! Start easy!

Sabine đź’ś

Die Qualität deiner Vitalität bestimmt, wie du aussiehst, dich fühlst und wie leistungsfähig du bist.


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