Healthy Filling Snacks On The Go

Three out of four men and every other woman in Germany are overweighted. 5 small meals and breaks with 0 calories – Divide your energy intake into 5 small meals: breakfast 30%, lunch 30%, dinner 20% and two intermediate meals of each 10% – best fruit and nuts. In between, you can plan real breaks – 3-4 hours with 0 calories. This will help to stay satisfied and your energy level will stay sky high. We will give you the fast, healthy snacks with which you will remain slim!

Your Health Coach recommends these healthy snacks:

  • 1 sour apple with almond butter
  • 50 g of guacamole or hummus with 100 g carrot sticks or small red / yellow / orange peppers or celery
  • 100 g ricotta cheese (bio, if possible) mixed with 1 ts cocoa powder (without sugar), drop of stevia and vanilla flavor (delicious, with many proteins, few carbohydrates)
  • 200 g cottage cheese mixed 100 g berries, 10 g walnuts or pecans
  • 2 hard boiled eggs
  • 100 g of celery with 2 ts organic peanut or almond butter (a classic fast snack)
  • ½ avocado slices wrapped in 50 g chicken or turkey
  • 100 g salmon
  • 1 slice of wholewheat toast with 1 ts nut butter
  • 100 g fresh papaya with a five macadamia nuts
  • 100 g of berries
  • 30 g almonds (with skin, unsalted, organic)
  • 100 g cottage cheese with 1 ts cinnamon, ½ apple slices and 5 walnuts
  • 100 g Tomatoes and ½  avocado slices
  • 30 grams walnuts, almonds, cashews, pecans, macadamia nuts or pistachios

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